North West England Perl Mongers
3D Printer (James Mastros and Jess Robinson)
Converting 16k mailboxes (Paul Tipper and Ian Norton)
Diagramming Networks Aug 2010 (Carl Johnstone)
Iron Mad Aug 2010 (Matt S Trout)
Ironboy (Ian Norton)
cat in a box (jonno)
creating a custom dispatch type (carl johnstone)
discussion with the catalyst authors (webcast)
fire procedures (mark keating)
functional pearls (osfameron)
italian perl workshop (osfameron)
large scale physical access systems (ian norton)
mifare what is it why it it cool (ian norton)
oodb in postgres (matt s trout)
streaming yaml (osfameron)
thanks (mark keating)
thanks2 (mark keating)
the abridged statistics of cpan (barbie)
what is the enlightened perl organisation (mark keating)
why use perl 5 (matt s trout)